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Class Lists

Agility Class Lists

Term 1 2025 

All 6:00 classes will need to be at the club prior to this start time to set the course.  

All 7:15 classes will need to put gear away in the Shed at the end of the night


Please take note of the following:

1. If you are unwell stay home

2. Our trainers are all volunteers. Make sure they are not the ones putting the jumps up and down. Do your share to help other heights. 

3. Try to listen to the instructions given to other class members as you can learn a lot from watching others. 

4.   Consider our neighbours and don't let your dog repetitively bark as it watches other dogs.


Have a fabulous term training your wonderful dogs


Start date:

Tuesday 11th Feb / Thursday 13th Feb


Please note all class cancellations will be posted on our facebook page and on our website under 'class cancellations' by 4pm training night


Tuesday Nights:

Term 1 Agility Classes 6pm (1).jpg
Term 1 Agility Classes 7.15pm.jpg

Thursday Nights:

Term 1 Thursday Flygility & Hoopers Classes.jpg
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