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This is the class after Play and Control


This class is when the dogs start to learn all the Agility equipment.

They start with jumps at mini height & over the following 8 weeks the tunnels, tyre, and long jump is taught.

The owners are taught handling skills.

The weaves are done every week & the clicker board. 

By the end of the 8 weeks the dogs are starting to sequence.

From here, if handlers meet the graduation criteria they will move on to 100 Level Agility.





Course Fees: $60 per 6-8 week term.

If Payment is not received by the date advised by the course co-ordinator then a place in the class will no longer be available for you. 


Please Note: While the term allows for a maximum of 8 weeks if there is class cancellations we guarantee a minimum number of 6 classes per term.

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