Agility Training
Whether you're choosing to do agility just for fun or to compete we are here to help!
Once you have graduated from Pre-Agility you will the move through the below classes





​Through the Agility classes we will give you the skills and guidance to teach your dog:
Jumps and Jumping Skills
Tunnels and Tunnel Skills
Jumping through the Hoop
Completing the Long Jump
Weaving (First 6 poles will be taught and then 12)
Complete Contact gear (A-frame, dog walk , cross over and eventually sea-saw)
Handling skills such as course walking , front, rear and blind crosses.
To be able to complete an agility course
​Course Fees For All Agility Classes: $60 per 6-8 week term.
If Payment is not received by the date advised by the course co-ordinator then a place in the class will no longer be available for you.
Please Note: While the term allows for a maximum of 8 weeks if there is class cancellations we guarantee a minimum number of 6 classes per term.
Vaccine passes are required for all classes in accordance with Government & Dogs NZ guidelines